Selected as one of the Best/Favorite Science Books of the Year at Science Friday, Amazon, Science News, Physics Today, Forbes, Symmetry Magazine, and Starts with A Bang!
I was absolutely stunned to learn last week that my book, Losing the Nobel Prize, was selected as one of Amazon's Best Science Books of the Year alongside such notable authors as Stephen Pinker, Michael Pollan, Hannah Fry, & the late, great Stephen Hawking! Not bad for a first-time author!
A conversation with Noam Chomsky: Linguistics, SETI, Cognitive Science, & Artificial Intelligence
Episode 38: Giving the Devil His Due: a conversation with Michael Shermer & Brian Keating
Brian Keating is Chancellor’s Distinguished Professor of Physics at UC San Diego. He is an astrophysicist and author of the best selling book, Losing the Nobel Prize (, which was selected as one of the best science books of the year by Amazon, Science Friday, Forbes, and Science News.
Joins Ben to discuss the relationship between science and religion, his journey from Catholicism to Atheism to Judaism, the creation of the universe, almost winning the Nobel Prize, and much more.
Open Space 33: Live QA with Dr. Brian Keating (Losing the Nobel Prize)
In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, astrophysicist and cosmologist Brian Keating, Ph.D., talks about the high-pressure world of science.
Interview with Dr. Brian Keating in This Week in Science...
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What’s a greater leap of faith: God or the Multiverse? What’s the multiverse? Brian Keating,…
Brian Keating’s new book, Losing the Nobel Prize, tells the exciting story of a cosmological…
Though I was understandably nervous being in the presence of astronomical royalty, she had a way of immediately disarming young scientists with her characteristically gracious presence...
Nobel Prizes are the most prestigious awards on the planet, but the aura of this year's announcements have been dulled by questions over why so few women have...
A small group of scientists will achieve international stardom this week. They will learn they have won Nobel prizes in physiology, chemistry, and physics...
If you ever meet someone who claims to have nearly won the Nobel Prizes in mathematics, walk away: You're dealing with a deeply delusional individual. While there...
We scientists are pretty good with numbers. Whether it's tallying the number of galaxies in the universe or probing reagent reactions that last mere femtoseconds...
Nine of the ten drafts of Losing the Nobel Prize. I couldn't bring myself to print out the first draft! When I began writing Losing the Nobel Prize,...
UC San Diego has begun designing a powerful telescope that will be placed in Chile's Atacama Desert to search for "ancient light" that could help explain...
Image Credit: Adam Baker Flickr(CC BY-SA 2.0) "They can go to a maximum of three people, and they can't be awarded posthumously, but wasn't part of Alfred...
UC San Diego astrophysicist Brian Keating will lead the Simons Observatory, which is being created in Chile's Atacama Desert. Image Credit (Nelvin C. Cepeda) "UC San...
Excited to be teaching again after some time off. So much has changed since I last taught a Physics 1 Level class... clickers, workbooks, podcasts...oh my! Listen...
Image for Dr. Brian Keating. Image Credit: Edge "What is fascinating to me is that we are now hoping, with modern measurements, to probe the early...
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech "The hunt is on to directly detect Dark Matter, and several exciting upgrades to liquid noble gass experiments are coming online in 2016. Perhaps...
It's back to school week for all you Osher Lifelong Learning Institutde students and I can't wait to see you. Please have new shoes and backpacks...
This was a fun interview I did with the UC San Diego Extension school, which is located on the west side of UCSD's sprawling campus. I've given a...
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Source: APS Physics | : Keating, Brian [2016] University of California, San Diego Citation: For his role in designing the Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization (BICEP) experiment to...
Source: National Science Foundation | : Brian Keating Affiliation: Astronomical Sciences NSF Directorate: MPS Gender: M Award Year: 2006 Citation: For his work on the Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic...
Angel Flight West command pilot and UCSD astrophysicist, Brian G. Keating, PhD Read article in CISON PRWeb: "Dr. Keating's presentation lived up to its title: "Extreme Astronomy...
Image Credit: Jeffery Donenfeld By far one of the most impressive structures here at the south pole is the South Pole Telescope. This gigantic microwave telescope...
Listen to it in Podomatic "R. Buckminster Fuller was famous for his ability to inspire those he taught and worked with to dedicate their lives to the...